Updated: 2 August, 2000

For Alternative 21st Century Geographies

2nd International Critical Geography Conference


Taegu University, Taegu, Korea
9-13 August 2000

CLICK HERE to view the real papers to be presented at the Conference

Schedule at a glance


9 August


10 August


11 August


 12 August


13 August




Field Trips


























Opening Sessions



























Poetry and Performance (Bud Osborn)

Movies, Politics and Korea

Closing Session




WEDNESDAY, August 9th, 2000

3:00 - 5:00 pm OPENING SESSION
Byung-Doo Choi Dialectics of Utopian Space
Blanca Ramirez The Politics of constructing an International Critical Geography Group


THURSDAY, August 10th, 2000

9:30 - 11:30 am People's Geographies I: Strategies of Popularization and Solidarity: Approaches to People's Geographies
Donald MitchellPeople's Geography in the United States: Steps Towards a Radical Popularization
Marion Traub-Warner & Altha J. CraveySweatshops, Solidarity, and Guatemala
Blanca Ramirez Why is Geography so conservative? Social practice and a lack of and alternative project
Neil Smith Marxism and Critical Geography

11:30 - 1:00 pmLUNCH

1:00 - 3:00 pmLocal Responses to Economic Change in East Asia
Bae-Gyoon Park Economic Change and 'Regionalist' Local Development Politics in South Korea
Hyung-Je Jo The Industrial restructuring in Ulsan after the economic crisis
Sung-Kyun LeeEconomic Crisis and the Unemployment Policies at the Korean Industrial City: A Case Study of Ulsan

1:00 - 3:00 pmPanel Discussion: (Re)placing Tourists: Critical perspectives on spaces of travel
Tim Oakes, Claudio Minca, Carolyn Cartier, Jon Goss, Jessica Jacobs

1:00 - 3:00 pmPolitical Ecology
Elif Kendirli Negotiating Globalization: Contestation Over the Proposed Nam Theun II Dam in the Lao PDR
Sangmin Nam Ecological Interdependence and Regional Environmental Governance in Northeast Asia
Sang-Hun Lee For Re-enchantment of Antiseptic Nature

1:00 - 3:00 pm A Tale of Two Global Cities
Bon-Young Koo and Dong-Ho Shin Conflicts between neighboring Cities in Suburban Seoul: the Cases of Anyang, Gunpo and Euwang
Swapna Banerjee-Guha Ideology of Urban Restructuring in Mumbai: Serving International Capitalist Agenda
Man-Hyung Lee Dichotomizing Search for Korean Social Development: Challenges and Alternatives
Lisa Kim Davis Gender and Class in Neighbourhood Organising: the Politics inside Seoul and Spatial Contests

3:30- 5:30 pmPeople's Geographies II: Social Exclusion, Insertion and Civil Society
Kazuaki Sugiyama Don't Sex, Juvie!: The policing of "covert" sex work in urban spaces in Toyama prefecture, Japan
Lisa DrummondSources of Urban Identity: Vietnam's Modernity project
Kenji TsutsumiModernization, Industrialization and Regional Change in Japan: a case of a coal mining region: panopticonization towards space and society in modern Japan
Carlos TovaresContesting the Land: the Politics of Public Space in San Antonio, Texas

3:30- 5:30 pmSocio-Spatial Changes in S. Korea after the IMF Crisis
Myung-Rae Cho Neo-Liberal Urban Changes after the IMF Crisis
Jae-Hoon KimRegional Difference in the Deployment of Korean Economic Crisis in1997
Kyu-Taeg ParkSocio-Spatial Interpretation of Unemployment in South Korea after the late 1980s.

3:30- 5:30 pmCritical Poststructuralist Geographies
Richard Smith Exploring Post-Marxist Theory: a Reading of Baudrillard
Hans W.E. Thorsen Can Bourdieu's Notion of Habitus, Field, and Symbolic Capital be Used in order to Understand the Possibilities for Restructuring in Norwegian Remote Communities?
Richard Phillips Politics of Reading: Interventions in Children's Geographies
Heath Priston Desire Lines: Urbanity and Corporeal Ethics

6:00- 8:00 pmDINNER


FRIDAY, August 11th, 2000

9:30- 11:30 amPeople's Geographies: Social Exclusion, Insertion and Civil Society
Toshio MizuuchiChanging urban governance for socially discriminated people
Hiroyuki Fukuhara Homeless people and civil society in urban Japan
Tohru Nakayama Japanese Korean residents and urban society
Steffanie Scott New Geographies of Vulnerability: An analysis of Vietnamese Decollectivization

9:30- 11:30 am Roundtable: Contesting Globalization after Seattle
Cindi Katz Globalization and the War on Social Reproduction
Maureen Hickey TBA
Sarah Wright More World, Less Bank: Movement, Movements and the Movement in Seattle and Washington D.C.
Tetsushi Fujita Is Local Co-operation Against Global Competition?

9:30- 11:30 am The Critical Geographies of Taiwan I: the First Step
Jinn-yuh Hsu Spatial Fix or Spatial Destruction? Economic Geographies of Post-War Development in Taiwan
Chu-joe Hsia Bridging the Critical Perspectives with Practices for Alternative 21st Century Geographies
Dan BuckGeography, Class and Miracle: the Construction of Taiwan's Industrial Networks

11:30 - 1:00 pmLUNCH

1:00 - 3:00 pmWriting the Post-Cold War World: New Geopolitical Narratives of Nation, State and Belonging
Joe Painter Citizenship, Diversity and Territoriality
Luiza Bialasiewicz Europeanising the "Other" Europe
Claudio Minca Bellagio and Beyond
Patrick Bond TBA

1:00 - 3:30 pm A New Wave of Critical Geography in Non-Anglophone World
Kenji Tsutsumi & Fujio Mizuoka An Introduction: The Aims of the Session, situation of Geographies in Our World, and beyond them.
Fujio MizuokaThe tale of Diverted Hare and Global Tortoise: The Tortured History of Critical Geography in Japan
S. Banerjee-GuhaPatterns of Uneven Development in India
Byung-Doo Choi Long Experience of Suffering and Short History of Critical-Alternative Geography in S. Korea
G. Calderon-Aragon The end of the Revolutionary Social Pact
Michael Webber Discussant
Blanca Ramirez Discussant

1:00 - 3:00 pm Living Conditions of the Urban Poor in S. Korea
In-Ok Hong The Analysis of Conflict Structure in Street Vending
Il-Seong Yoon A Study on the Homelessness in S. Korea
Seong-Kyu HaRedevelopment of Substandard Settlements and Evictions in Seoul

3:30- 5:50 pmPeople's Geographies III: Strategies of Popularization and Solidarity: Teaching Radical Geography
Ralph H. SaundersTeaching Geography from the Bottom Up
Scott Kirsch Critical Pedagogy and the Post-Cold War University
Fujio Mizouka A Project to Develop an Internet-based Geography Teaching Programme
Michael Webber 'Using Boundaries to become Global: Globalisation and Difference' (Chapter 2 of the Teaching Programme)
Tamami Fukuda Representing Our Region: Cultural Conservation and Local Museum in Japan

3:30- 5:30 pm High-Tech and Regional Development in S. Korea
Hyun-Soo Kang, Park Kyung & Lee Chul-WooRegional Innovation System in Korea- Case Study in Daejon and Changwan
Dong-Ho Shin Networks of High-Tech Ventures Firms in Taejon, Korea
O-Hyeok Kwon The Limits of Research Park Model as a Type of High-Tech Industry Cluster: the Case of Deaduk
Woo-Bae LeeHigh Tech and Regional development in S. Korea

3:30- 5:30 pm Geographies of Foreign Direct Investment
Yong-Sook, Lee The determinants and effects of overseas direct investment: the South Korean Auto Industry
Yung-chung Chen Collaborative Foreign Direct Investment: Taiwanese Transnational Corporation Investment in Malaysia

6:00- 8:00 pmDINNER


SATURDAY, August 12th, 2000

9:30- 11:30 am People's Geographies IV: Telling Critical Stories
Naoki Oshiro Re-mapping the configuration of regional identity in Ryukyu Island
Caroline Desbiens Power from the North: cultural constructions of nature/nation in the James Bay hydroelectric project
John Seagroves Abandoning Equality: The Unfulfilled Promise of Freedom in South Africa
Richard PhillipsRegulation of sexuality in the colonial context

9:30 - 11:30 am Social Polarization in Globalizing Cities
Hans Thor Andersen Does Welfare Matter? Ghettoization in the Welfare State
John Jorgensen Economic Restructuring, Urban Labour Markets and Social Differentiation
Anders Lofgren Patterns of Social Polarization in a Medium-Sized City: Changes in Levels of Living in Trondheim
Eric Clark TBA

9:30 - 11:30 am Nature and Environmental Politics I
Salim Momtaz Public Participation, Public Awareness: A Critical Analysis of the Public Involvement Process in the Development of the State of the Environment Report in Australia
Nicholas Low & Brendan Gleeson Eco-socialization and environmental justice
Koji Nakashima Nationalism, colonialism and the representation of nature: "national land" and "forest" in the afforestation campaign in modern Japan

9:30- 11:30 amThe Critical Geographies of Taiwan II: the First Step
Yi-fong ChenIndigenous Peoples' Land Rights, and the Reconstruction of Place Identity after the September Earthquake-Case Study of Ho-Ping Hsian, Taichung County, Taiwan
Li-ling Huang Culture, Reproduction and Sense of Place: An Outline of Articulating Spatial Studies and Cultural Studies in Taiwan
Shih-Jung Hsu Sustainable Development and Land Use Planning in Taiwan

11:30 - 1:00 pmLUNCH

1:00- 3:30 pm The Politics of Spatiality
Karen Morin Post-colonialism and Native American Geographies: The Letter of Rosalie La Flesche, c. 1896-1899
Anke Struever & Ulrich Best The politics of place: critical of spatial identity and critical spatial identities
Noriko Ishiyama Environmental justice and local autonomy: An American Indian tribe's struggle for self-determination in the toxic landscape of the United States
Cheryl Gowar Transforming citizenship by transforming scale: contesting civil rights in New York City
Geraldine Pratt and Elias KirbyStaging Union Politics: the British Columbia Nurse's Union Theatre Project
Caroline DesbiensDiscussant

1:00 - 3:00 pm Housing Provision and Real Estate Market in S. Korea
Seo-Hwan Lim Public Housing Provision through Speculative Development: the Management by Korean Capitalism of Housing Question and the Industrialization-first Policy
Yi-Young Yoon Change of Role Structure among Agents in Private Housing Market since 1990s in Korea
Seok-Hoi Yim Trend of Real Estate Market and Government's Policies after the IMF Crisis in Korea
Yong-Chang Kim Securitization of Property Financing and Democracy of Possession in Korea

1:00 - 3:00 pm Reconsidering Social Planning and Regional Development
Jung-Won Son Bringing the State Back in Regional Analysis
Doo-Hwan Kim An Application of a Collaborative Planning as a Social Learning Process: Focusing on Consensus Conference
Jong-Ryul Lee The Practice of Urban Renewal in Korea: Mode, Governance and Sustainability

1:00 - 3:00 pm Nature and Environmental Politics II
C. Yakubu Oche Sustainable Crop Production in Transkei, South Africa: Prospects and Constraints?
Ga-Hyeong Hur Potential of Double Dividend from Environmental Tax
Marcella SchmidtWhat is Nature? Cultural concepts, local representations, construction, deconstruction, political and marketing strategies of humanity's oldest problem

3:30 -5:30 pm People's Geographies and Critical Geographies: An Open Discussion on Strategy, Solidarity, and Action

6:00- 8:00 pmDINNER

8:00 -9:00 pmCLOSING SESSION
David HarveyUneven Geographical Development and Universal Rights

SUNDAY, August 13th, 2000

FIELD TRIPS(Tentative)
  • All courses of field trips will start at 8:00 am on 13 August.
  • We can use two buses, three or four cars, and one van, the carrying capacity is bus: 40-45, car: 4, van 9-10 people.

Course 1 Looking around the US camps in Taegu
we will visit shortly a building of NGOs' offices, and meet some civil activists, then move to look around the US military camps, and finally visit a municipal office in struggling against them in Taegu.
  • Participants also can visit a community of the urban poor, if they want.
  • A bus will be used for this field trip, but car or van would be used if participants are not so many.
  • This trip will be finished at 2 p.m. at the Tong-Taegu railway station.
  • You can find a brief introduction to the US military camps in Taegu at the web site, http://www.fas.org/irp/facility/taegu.htm
    This site is maintained by the US agency; unfortunately there is no web site in English set-up by Korean NGOs.

Course 2 Visiting an Industrial Complex in Taegu
We will visit a building of labor organizations, and meet some activists in labor movement, and then visit an industrial complex and talk with members of labor unions in struggling against foreign capital.
  • Participants also can look around some other industrial complexes in Taegu, if they want.
  • A van or car will be used for this field trip, but a bus would be used if there are many participants.
  • This trip will be finished at 4 p.m. at the Tong-Taegu railway station.
  • You can find a brief introduction to industrial complexes in Taegu metropolitan area at the web site, maintained by the Taegu Chamber of Commerce and Industry. http://tcci.asiansources.com/CITY/INDUSTRY.HTM

Course 3 Course 1 plus Course 2
We can combine the course 1 with the course 2.
  • A bus will be used for this course, but a car or van would be used if participants are not so many.
  • Participants of this trip will be back to the accommodation and stay over the night of 13 August.

Course 4 Visiting Kyungju City and Pohang steel industrial complex

Course 5Andong traditional village and Confucian culture
We will look around the northern part of Kyungbuk Province, especially visiting Andong traditional village, called Ha-hoe-ma-ul, and some other places with Confucian/Buddist culture
  • This course can be included in our plan of field trip, though like the course 3 it is very formal and extravagant.
  • A car or van would be used if participants are not so many. It will take about one hour and half to get Andong from Taegu Univ.,
  • Participants of this trip will be back to the accommodation and stay over the night of 13 August.
  • You can find some interesting web sites for Andong, among which is
    http://city.andong.kyongbuk.kr/frame-e.html http://www.mct.go.kr/festival/s_eng_h_001_m03.html

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